Fit & Fun Fridays w/Fitness Coach, Judi Rodgers on Networking @ Its Finest w/Sandra Sawyer, Esq.

“How Important is Breathing to You?”

Ah… pause a moment and think about that. As you are thinking, you have permission to keep on breathing because breathing as you know is very vital to your existence, Right?
A short health note: You inhale air to bring oxygen to your cells and exhale to remove the carbon dioxide gas (toxins) from your cells. Inhaling and exhaling for you may be easy and for others it may not.
Here’s a pointer to strengthen yours lungs and respiratory health:

#1 Exercise – Any cardio or aerobic movements helps your lungs become stronger and more efficient such as: swimming, running/jogging, walking, cycling, treadmill, elliptical walkers; taking stairs and even dancing.

More to come…
Remember, You were designed to “Live”: Enjoy every moment of life, “Move”: with conscientious bodily action while breathing strong and
“BE”: the Best, Authentic and “Power-full” YOU, today, this weekend and every day. Un-wrap and open the gift of life this Fun Friday!… BREATHE.

Judi Rodgers is a certified “Lifestyle Fitness Coach” (fondly known as “Coach Judi”) who has been called to lead and support others in the arena of Health and Fitness. Her platform is designed to give each individual three main elements: Fitness, Inspiration, and Transformation (F.I.T.) from the inside out. She resides in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, GA and delights in her life roles of being a mother, a career woman, sister and friend to many. For more fitness tips & to check out her upcoming events, classes, etc. visit her Facebook page: J. R. Fitness Coach